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ACP Credentialing Autumn 2024 Opens

Tuesday 06 August 2024

The Autumn ACP credentialing application window is open for ACPs submitting a first application or full resubmission on the 2017 curriculum and will close on Sunday 18 August.

The window for ACPs submitting a limited resubmission will be open from Monday 16 until Sunday 22 September. This will be the final opportunity for ACPs to credential on the 2017 curriculum. ACPs who are not ready to submit within the Autumn window will need to transition to the 2022 ACP curriculum.

The credentialing application window for ACPs submitting a first application or full resubmission on the 2022 curriculum will be open from Monday 19 August until Sunday 01 September.

ACPs who intend to submit within the Autumn window must be confident that they will have all evidence uploaded to their portfolio before the closing date, as any evidence submitted after this date will not be considered. ACPs submitting on the 2022 curriculum will also be required to complete and upload a ‘map of evidence’ identifying the single item that they feel best demonstrates their capability against each SLO/KC.

Further information, including the template that must be used, can be found on the website.

To submit a credentialing application, please complete the online registration form at the link available on the RCEM website (2017 curriculum, 2022 curriculum).

For further information or queries regarding the Autumn application window or ACP credentialing, please email

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