The Board, Council and Committees within the structure of the College. (Updated July 2024)
+ The Trustee Board
As of 04 October 2022, the board comprises the following members:
President: Dr Adrian Boyle
Dean: Professor Simon Carley
Treasurer: James Gagg (from 25 January 2024)
Vice-President (Membership): Salwa Malik
Chair of Lay Group: Derek Prentice (from 25 January 2024)
Council Trustees: Maya Naravi (from 10 April 2024) & Nida Suri (from December 2024)
Member Trustees: Steve Jones, Fiona Burton (from 9 February 2024)
Lay Trustees: Ian Ailes, Mary Hockaday, Palvi Shah.
The quorum for Council shall be the President (or nominated Deputy) plus three other officers and 8 elected or appointed members of Council.
The composition of the Council is described in the Ordinances. The Term of Office for Council Members is 3 years.
Title | Appointment requirements |
President – Chair |
President of the Royal College who is elected by the Fellows and Members. The President shall be the Chair or, in his/her absence, the President Elect (or Immediate Past President) is to chair the meeting. |
President Elect (or Immediate Past President) | Elected by the Fellows and Members of RCEM |
Registrar | Elected by RCEM Council |
Dean | Elected by RCEM Council |
Treasurer | Elected by RCEM Council |
Vice Presidents (2) | Elected by RCEM Council |
Chair – Education and Examinations committee | Dean |
Chair – Training Standards Committee | Served as Honorary Secretary, nominated by the TSC – appointed by Council |
Chair – Service Delivery Cluster | Vice Presidents |
Chair – Research Committee | Nominated by the R&P committee, appointed by Council |
Chair of the QEC | Nominated by Committee, appointed by Council |
Director of CPD | Appointed by Council |
Director of Revalidation | Appointed by Council |
Chair – International Committee | Vice President |
Chairs – Regional Boards in England | Elected by Fellows in the region |
Vice Presidents – National Boards of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland | Elected by Fellows in the relevant country |
Chair – EMTA | Elected by the members in training |
Chair – EMSAS | Elected by the members of the Royal College working as SAS doctors |
Chair – ACP Forum | Elected by Associate Members (Advanced Clinical Practitioners) |
Lay representative to Council | Appointed by Council |
Representatives of other Royal Colleges
non-voting members |
Invitation by Council |
Representative of the Faculty of Emergency Nursing
non-voting member |
Invitation by Council |
Representative from the Faculty of Pre-hospital care | Invitation by Council |
Chief Executive non-voting | By appointment |
Royal College Office Manager (Ex-Officio) | The Royal College Office Manager is an ex-officio member and will attend the meeting to record the minutes as required |
Chief Examiner |
As defined in the Ordinances:
a) Meetings are held at least 4 times a year.
b) The quorum is 12 voting members of Council of which at least 3 shall be Officers.
The quorum for the Executive Committee must have the minimum attending:
Membership of this Committee comprises:
The President shall be the Chair or, in his/her absence, the President Elect (or Immediate Past President) is to chair the meeting.
Ex-officio members will be invited to relevant meetings, but they will not have any voting rights.
Meetings are held between 6 and 10 times per year. Where possible they will be arranged to coincide with other Royal College committee meetings, such as those of other major committees, and if members are unable to attend, they should be encouraged to join the meeting by teleconferencing.
The objective of the Corporate Governance Committee is to develop, monitor and advise on corporate governance of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and to ensure compliance with Charity Law and the recommendations of the Charity Commission.
Chair is appointed by Council from amongst the membership of the Lay Group and who must not be a paid employee or Officer of the College. In his/her absence the Registrar shall be Chair. Other members are as follows:
Council delegates the following powers to the Committee:
Human Resources
Meetings are held at least three times a year. Where possible they should be arranged to coincide with other committee meetings, such as those of other major committees, and if members are unable to attend they should be encouraged to join the meeting by teleconferencing.
The Corporate Governance Committee reports to the Council. The Chair of the meeting shall make appropriate arrangements for keeping records of the meetings.
The quorum shall be 3 Members at least one of which should not be an Executive Committee member.
The committee is chaired by a Lay Chair and is responsible for assuring the administrative functions of the College, financial governance and responsible for HR issues within the College.
The Remuneration Sub-Committee is a Sub-Committee of the Board. It shall have the following terms of reference:
Chairs responsible for leading EM in that country and providing advice to Health departments and hospitals, advice to members.
National Board | Post | Incumbent | Contact Email |
Northern Ireland | Vice President | Dr Russell McLaughlin | |
Vice VP | Dr Michael Perry | ||
Scotland | Vice President | Dr Fiona Hunter | |
Vice VP | Dr Jayne McLaren | ||
Wales | Vice President | Dr Rob Perry | |
Vice VP | Vacant |
The chairs are elected from the fellowship and membership of the region and sit on the Council. Responsible for leading EM in that area and providing advice to Trusts and Commissioners, advice to members.
Region | Post | Incumbent | Contact Email |
East of England | Regional Chair | Dr Nidi Y Suri | |
Vice Chair | Dr Roopashree Balasundaram | ||
East Midlands | Regional Chair | Dr Venkateswara Kotamraju | |
Vice Chair | Vacant | ||
London | Regional Co-Chair | Dr Samira Akberali | |
Regional Co-Chair | Vacant | ||
North East | Regional Chair | Mr Alex J A Johnston | |
Vice Chair | Dr Cara Hall, Consultant | ||
North West | Regional Chair | Dr Sanjoy Bhattacharyya | |
Vice Chair | Dr Sukbhir Bhullar | ||
South Central | Regional Chair | Dr Akshaya Niranjan | |
Vice Chair | Vacant | ||
South East Coast | Regional Chair | Dr Sarah Roberta Honess | |
Vice Chair | Vacant | ||
South West | Regional Chair | Dr Luke Ball | |
Vice Chair | Vacant | ||
West Midlands | Regional Chair | Dr Susan Elizabeth Dorrian | |
Vice Chair | Dr Mark Anthony Ragoo | ||
Yorkshire & Humber | Regional Chair | Miss Sally-Anne Wilson | |
Vice Chair | Vacant |
+ Invited Service Review Committee
RCEM secretariat support:
Creating successful, satisfying and sustainable careers in Emergency Medicine
Chair: Saurav Bhardwaj
The Sustainable Working Practices Committee (SWPC) is focussed on improving sustainability of the working life of emergency physicians and improving the working conditions in the workforce in Emergency Medicine.
SWPC have created guidance in vital areas such as the RespectED anti-bullying campaign, the Wellness Compendium, and supporting wellbeing though difficult situations such as covid and the death of a colleague.
The Committee have also produced the excellent EMPower suite of guidance, which includes:
The objective of this Committee is to coordinate all service design and delivery policy on behalf of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
Chair: Ed Smith
RCEM secretariat support:
RCEM secretariat support:
Devise a strategy and work programme for approval by the Best Practice Sub-Committee focussed on improving the care for ambulatory emergency care patients presenting at the Emergency Department.
The Ambulatory Emergency Care SIG reports to the Best Practice Sub-Committee.
RCEM secretariat support:
See also Same Day Emergency Care on the Catch Up With on Demand Events Page
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has resources available for Emergency Departments on ambulatory care.
This toolkit has been written primarily for the Emergency Physician aiming to develop ambulatory care from the ED. It requires strong clinical leadership, regular access to senior decision makers, a clear focus on multidisciplinary team development and close collaborative working with all relevant specialty colleagues.
+ Quality In Emergency Care Committee (QECC)
The Quality in Emergency Care Committee (QECC) is part of the RCEM Quality Cluster. A small steering group of Sub-Committee Chairs meets twice a year and there are two large committee meetings each year for all QECC members. The Quality in Emergency Care Committee consists of a number of diverse Sub-Committees, Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Professional Advisory Groups (PAGs), as shown below.
Chair: James France.
RCEM secretariat support:
Chair: Dr Paul Hunt
RCEM secretariat support:
Aims and Objectives:
Chair: Dr Rachael Morris
RCEM secretariat
Chair: Dr Federico Fedel
RCEM secretariat
Chair: Dr Rizwan Riyaz
RCEM secretariat
RCEM secretariat
Chair: Dr Mark Buchanan
RCEM secretariat
Chair: Dr Shane Clark
RCEM secretariat
Aims and Objectives: The PHEM PAG exists to ensure that pre-hospital emergency medicine interests are represented within all relevant aspects of the College structure / business, and that PHEM continues to be recognised and developed as a sub-speciality. We provide advice and support on all aspects of pre-hospital emergency care to the College and its members, and help facilitate internal and external requests for representation on matters or documents relating to pre-hospital emergency care, ensuring that the College membership is fairly represented and is engaged.
Co-Chairs: Dr Amar Mashru and Dr Toby Edmunds
RCEM secretariat support:
See more about this Specialty in A Guide for Trainees and Trainers
Chairs: Fiona Burton and Dale Kirkwood
RCEM secretariat support:
RCEM secretariat support:
Further information
The Council has established the Lay Advisory Group (LAG) to provide advice from a lay perspective on the standards of care and training in Emergency Medicine.
+ Lay GroupThe Council has established the Lay Advisory Group (LAG) to provide advice from a lay perspective on the standards of care and training in Emergency Medicine.
The Lay Advisory Group has an advisory role and reports to the Council. The LAG remit covers the following:
RCEM Secretariat support:
+ Academic Committee
The Academic Committee is strategic in outlook, providing a forum to facilitate and encourage the development of academic strategy and discuss and promote academic developments, whether internally driven or externally.
RCEM Secretariat support:
This committee coordinates all activities aimed at developing, promoting and monitoring careers information for students and doctors in training grades on behalf of the College.
Co-Chairs: Anna Buckley and Duncan Carmichael
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information and resources:
Considering a career in EM
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information and resources:
Aims and Objectives:
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information:
Aims and Objectives:
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information:
Aims and Objectives:
RCEM Secretariat support:
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RCEM Secretariat support:
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Aims and Objectives:
In order to support our members and fellows involved in global emergency medicine work, we would like to connect with you to gain insight into your work, to help with networking between teams and get you involved in setting the agenda for the committee. See below for contact details.
Chair: Jason Long
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information:
Connect with us via:
To develop emergency medicine research capacity, opportunities within academic emergency medicine, and to showcase high-quality emergency medicine research at every opportunity.
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has declared that research is one of its top priorities – the RCEM Research Committee is tasked with facilitating this vision. The committee helps to draw attention to the complex and sometimes overlooked sphere of Emergency Medicine research, raising its profile and providing funding to drive engagement within the research community.
Chair: Professor Matt Reed –
RCEM Secretariat support
Contact –
Further information:
The Training Standards Committee has responsibility for translating the Royal College’s aims for specialty training in EM into working systems throughout the UK.
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information and guidance:
13 to 23 January 2025
Display event – ARCP Externality Booking
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information:
Aims and Objectives:
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information:
The Curriculum Sub-Committee is a standing committee of the Royal College. It reports to the Education Committee, via the Chair of the Curriculum Sub-Committee.
The responsibilities of the Sub-Committee shall be:
The Chair may co-opt from time to time representatives from other groups including, but not limited to, Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine Committee, Safety Committee, e-Learning.
The founding Chair will be appointed by the Dean for a term of three years. In future, the Chair will be appointed by competitive application by the Dean, Chair of TSC and Deputy Chief Executive (or nominated deputies) and be ratified by Council. The Chair must be a Fellow in good standing of the Royal College, be an active NHS trainer in Emergency Medicine, have prior experience in the development of the Royal College Curriculum, such as a key role in a RCEM CAG submission, or completed a term as member of the Curriculum committee.
The term of office of each member will be three years with the possibility of one further term if approved by the Education Committee (and if chair, ratified by Council)
The Committee meets four times per year. The Committee is administratively supported within the Royal College.
The Chair (or a nominated deputy) is required to represent the Royal College at external meetings relating to the curriculum.
Aims and Objectives:
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information:
+ Emergency Medicine Trainees Association (EMTA)
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information:
EMTA web page
Aims and Objectives:
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information:
EMSAS web page
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further information: ACP Forum web page
Chair: Dr Kirsty Challen –
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further Information:
+ Honours Committee
The objective of the Honours Committee is to coordinate matters relating to national and College honours on behalf of the Royal College. The Honours Committee reports to the Council.
RCEM Secretariat support:
Further Information:
The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee was established to address inequalities and discrimination in the speciality of Emergency Medicine. The Committee was focused on racial inequalities to begin with but is working towards a wider remit in examining inequalities and discrimination against other social groups.
To date, the Committee has influenced the PPE agenda on a national scale, carried out a survey on member’s experiences during the second wave and provided advice and guidance to the wider College on matters relating to equality and diversity.
Dr Sivanthi Sivanadarajah and Dr David Chung:
RCEM Secretariat support:
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