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RCEM Clinical Guidance

RCEM Clinical Guidance

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) has clinical guidelines available for professionals working in emergency medicine.

RCEM Clinical Guidance

This section includes Clinical Guidance and Position Statements. A significant amount of the guidance on this page has been written by the various committee which make up the RCEM Quality in Emergency Care Committee (QECC), more information on the work of these committees and further specific resources can be found on the QECC section of RCEM website.
These committees include:
Best Practice Subcommittee, Quality Improvement & Assurance Subcommittee, Mental Health Subcommittee
Safer Care Subcommittee, Older Persons in Emergency Medicine SIG, Public Health SIG, Toxicology SIG, Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response PAG, Paediatric Emergency Care PAG, Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine PAG.

To contact the RCEM quality team please email

Clinical Guidance

+ Clinical Guidelines

Clinical Guidelines

+ NPIS Antidotes

RCEM / NPIS Guideline on Antidote Availability for EDs (September 2023):

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