Available until 12 June 2025 | RCEM accredited for 7-CPD points
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Autistic people and people with a learning disability face health inequalities, are likely to die earlier and are more likely to die from a treatable cause of death.
This event looks at the reasons and discusses opportunities to enhance care. Hear from public health experts, learning disability specialists, allied health professionals, patients, families and ED physicians and explore the patient’s pathway through the ED and the role emergency staff play in improving outcomes.
Learning objectives:
SLOs covered: SLO 1, 5, 7
GMC domains covered: Domains 1, 2, 3, 4
Please click here to view the registration rates as a PDF.
Non-member all grades except student / retired | £210 |
Non-member student / retired | £185 |
Member all grades except student / retired | £110 |
Member student / retired | £85 |
If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch with us by emailing events@rcem.ac.uk or calling 020 3931 0700.
Please read our terms and conditions in their entirety before making your booking.