Tuesday 9 - Wednesday 10 September | Face to face event
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Previous RCEM Clinical Studies Group meetings led by Professor Jason Smith have focussed around delivering the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership top 10 Emergency Medicine Priorities. This event will build on these previous events and will have a dual purpose.
Firstly, we aim to take forward a vision of setting up an RCEM Clinical Trials Network which would sit under RCEM and the governance of the Research Committee with the primary aim of facilitating and promoting investigator-initiated, collaborative, multicentre clinical research in emergency medicine in the UK.
Secondly, we aim to choose some important, yet unanswered Emergency Medicine Priorities and use this event as a springboard to take these research questions that are important to patients, forward to be competitive at grant funding stage.
The day is aimed at UK Emergency Medicine researchers, methodologists and clinicians and patients who are interested in the chosen research areas.
Learning objectives:
If you would like to present a funded study that is nearing launch on the morning of day 2, or if you have a trial idea related to an Emergency Medicine Priority or an important research question that you would like to present for development at the event, please email Matt Reed at research@rcem.ac.uk.
The day is aimed at UK Emergency Medicine researchers, methodologists and clinicians and patients who are interested in the chosen research areas.
Please click here to view the programme.
This event is free to attend.
If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch with us by emailing events@rcem.ac.uk or calling 020 3931 0700.
Please read our terms and conditions in their entirety before making your booking.