Core Ultrasound Course (London, UK) 5, 21, 31 March 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
This PoCUS course addresses the knowledge and practical skills recommended by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine as necessary to achieve competency in the core clinical applications of Emergency Ultrasound. We also cover the components of ultrasound physics and good governance in our online pre-course learning.
Ultrasound Guided Cannulation Course (London, UK) 10 March 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £195 (inc. VAT)
This half-day Ultrasound-Guided Cannulation course is suitable for those who are new to ultrasound as well as for those who already have some experience in ultrasound and are looking to get focused vascular access training.
You will practice vascular scanning on human volunteers and cannula insertion on realistic models. You will also be given your own free vascular access model to continue practising after the course.
Online MRCEM OSCE Practice: Master Communication Skills with Expert Guidance – 11th March 2025
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: £95 if booked by 28th February 2025; £125 if booked on or after 1st March 2025
If you’re preparing for the March MRCEM OSCE exam in Chennai, India, consider joining this 2-hour online OSCE practice session with professional actors and experienced faculty. The session focuses on communication skills and is designed specifically for overseas doctors who want to better understand the communication approaches commonly used in the NHS and expected of candidates in the MRCEM OSCE exam.
During the session, you’ll work through 10 MRCEM OSCE stations. You’ll perform at least one station yourself and receive personalised feedback from our faculty. Additionally, you’ll observe all other stations, allowing you to learn from your peers’ performances and the faculty’s guidance.
ECG Interpretation Course (London, UK) 17 March 2025
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: £150 (inc. VAT)
This 1-day intensive ECG training provides a comprehensive overview of ECG interpretation for anyone new to Emergency Medicine, or looking to gain confidence in understanding ECGs.
The course covers interpretation of the normal ECG and recognition of significant arrhythmias. We will do this with a variety of clinical cases, which will ensure you do not miss acute cardiac presentations in the future.
If you book our online ECG Interpretation and Emergency Radiology courses together, you can save £50! Click the link below to find out more.
FRCEM Final SBA Revision Course (London, UK) 18 – 19 March 2025
Venue: Online and face-to-face at Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £445 online / £545 in person (inc. VAT)
This two-day course covers the range of SLO topics listed in the RCEM 2021 curriculum. We will sample extensively across the curriculum, focusing on the factors that influence the choice of the best answer, from key guidelines to standard NHS practice. The course includes 270 questions, each accompanied by in-depth explanations to help you answer related questions in the future.
MRCEM Primary Course (London, UK) 1 and 16 April 2025
Venue: Online and face-to-face at Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £195 online / £225 in person (inc. VAT)
The course covers the RCEM Basic Sciences curriculum and gives you the opportunity to practice answering SBA-type questions under exam-like conditions. Through undertaking our practice papers and participating in topical discussions you will come to understand how to choose between options which may appear only subtly different.
Emergency Radiology Course (London, UK) 7 April 2025
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: £150 online (inc. VAT)
If you are new to imaging in an emergency or acute setting, Bromley Emergency Courses offer a comprehensive one-day overview of the essential emergency radiology topics for the emergency department.
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to interpret X-rays using a systematic and structured approach and boost your confidence in managing a variety of bony injuries commonly seen following trauma.
If you book our online ECG Interpretation and Emergency Radiology courses together, you can save £50! Click the link below to find out more.
Core Ultrasound Course (London, UK) 8 and 14 April 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
This PoCUS course addresses the knowledge and practical skills recommended by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine as necessary to achieve competency in the core clinical applications of Emergency Ultrasound. We also cover the components of ultrasound physics and good governance in our online pre-course learning.
Basic Ultrasound for Paediatrics Course – CACTUS approved (London, UK) 10 April 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
This Basic Ultrasound for Paediatrics course is the perfect option for those who want to confidently use point-of-care ultrasound in the care of children in acute and emergency settings, including those pursuing CACTUS Lung and CACTUS Heart accreditation.
The course focuses on scanning practice. You’ll learn how to obtain PoCUS images of the lungs, heart, abdominal organs, veins, and nerves in real children. You will also work with a scannable paediatric manikin, simulating a two-year-old, which has several pathologies including free fluid in the chest and abdomen, appendicitis, intussusception, and others.
Ultrasound Guided Nerve Block Course (London, UK) 11 April 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. vat)
This one-day course is designed for professionals in emergency medicine and related fields looking to enhance their expertise in ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. The course covers Fascia iliaca block, other hip blocks, serratus anterior block, ultrasound for haematoma block, Introduction to erector spinae block and blocks of the upper limb.
Ultrasound Guided Cannulation Course (London, UK) 11 April 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £195 (inc. VAT)
This half-day Ultrasound-Guided Cannulation course is suitable for those who are new to ultrasound as well as for those who already have some experience in ultrasound and are looking to get focused vascular access training.
You will practice vascular scanning on human volunteers and cannula insertion on realistic models. You will also be given your own free vascular access model to continue practising after the course.
Basic Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound Course (London, UK) 15 April 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
This course will help you to acquire the knowledge and competence to understand the principles of conducting a safe and appropriate gynaecological ultrasound examination and to use an ultrasound machine competently and independently. The topics covered include early and late pregnancy scanning, introduction to gynaecological abnormalities, introduction to TV scanning technique, and more.
Online FRCEM Final OSCE Course, 22 April 2025
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: £345 (inc. vat)
The course focuses on those types of stations that you can effectively practice online, such as communication, teaching and management skills, as well as critical literature appraisal.
You will work with professional actors in real-time. There will be 1 minute to read the scenario and 8 minutes to complete the station followed by 5 minutes personal feedback from our experienced faculty and actors.
PgCert and Micro-credentials in Point-of-Care Ultrasound (London, UK) 24 April – 26 June 2025 (prices are expected to increase in September 2025)
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £450 per micro-credential (inc. VAT), or £2,700 for the PgCert
Bromley Emergency Courses have teamed up with Canterbury Christ Church University to deliver a programme of point-of-care ultrasound credentials including a Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) and micro-credentials. This programme is suitable for clinicians working in acute care settings, including emergency medicine, acute medicine, intensive care, and emergency surgery.
The PgCert consists of six individual modules (micro-credentials), each worth 10 credits, to meet the 60-credit requirement.
We are offering the following modules (micro-credentials):
Each module (micro-credential) will require 100 hours of notional study, most of which will be private study, but will include 21 hours of in-person learning in our training centre near London Bridge. You can only enrol on up to 2 modules (micro-credentials) at a time.
In-person FRCEM Final OSCE Course (London, UK) 25 – 26 and 28 – 29 April 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £745
Throughout this 2-day intensive course you’ll be exposed to around 40 different OSCE scenarios which have been written to follow the updated 2021 RCEM curriculum. The format of the course will mimic the RCEM exam format to give you the most exam like experience. After each station you’ll receive focused feedback from faculty and experienced actors.
Core Ultrasound Course (London, UK) 6 and 23 May 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
This PoCUS course addresses the knowledge and practical skills recommended by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine as necessary to achieve competency in the core clinical applications of Emergency Ultrasound. We also cover the components of ultrasound physics and good governance in our online pre-course learning.
FRCEM Final OSCE Mock Exam (London, UK) 7 May 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £295 (inc. VAT)
This in-person OSCE circuit replicates the format of the real exam. It includes 16 OSCE stations and two rest stations. You will manage a wide range of OSCE scenarios, such as resuscitation, paediatrics, management, teaching, and more.
You will lead all the stations. Just like in the actual exam, you’ll need to reset quickly between stations, read candidate instructions, and give each scenario your full focus.
Unlike our standard OSCE courses, this mock exam focuses solely on station practice, without personal faculty feedback. However, you’ll receive detailed summary sheets at the end of the rotation outlining key assessment criteria for each station and actors’ feedback on communication skills.
In-Person MRCEM OSCE Course (London, UK) 14 – 15 May 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £695 (inc. VAT)
The course will help you get the practice that you need to increase your chances of passing the MRCEM OSCE exam. You’ll be fully immersed in exam-like situations with real-life scenarios, professional actors, all the necessary equipment, and attentive examiners.
The course will allow you to develop your communication skills in demanding clinical scenarios so that you can feel confident about approaching any station in the exam.
You will receive detailed and specific feedback from experienced faculty and actors, which will help you to identify the areas that you need to work on, as well as those areas that you already excel in.
Core Ultrasound Course (London, UK) 6, 23, 28 May 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
This PoCUS course addresses the knowledge and practical skills recommended by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine as necessary to achieve competency in the core clinical applications of Emergency Ultrasound. We also cover the components of ultrasound physics and good governance in our online pre-course learning.
Online MRCEM OSCE Course, 27 May 2025
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: £295 (inc. VAT)
This is an intensive one-day course in which you will undertake OSCEs in real time with professional actors and receive feedback from experienced faculty. The course focuses on those types of stations that you can practice online, such as communication skills and history taking. There won’t be any resuscitation or procedure OSCEs, although we will discuss how to handle these stations.
MRCEM OSCE Mock Exam (London, UK) 30 May 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £295 (inc. VAT)
This full MRCEM OSCE rotation is designed to simulate the real test environment. It consists of 16 OSCE stations and two rest stations, where you will have 1 minute to read each scenario and 8 minutes to complete the station.
You will manage a wide variety of OSCE scenarios, from history taking to resuscitation to paediatrics to psychiatry and more. You will need to rapidly reset as you move to the next station to read the candidate instructions and give the next station your full attention.
This mock exam is focused solely on practicing stations, and there will be no faculty feedback after each station. However you will receive summary sheets at the end of the rotation describing what we were looking for in each of the 16 stations.
ECG Interpretation Course (London, UK) 2 June 2025
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: £150 (inc. VAT)
This 1-day intensive ECG training provides a comprehensive overview of ECG interpretation for anyone new to Emergency Medicine, or looking to gain confidence in understanding ECGs.
The course covers interpretation of the normal ECG and recognition of significant arrhythmias. We will do this with a variety of clinical cases, which will ensure you do not miss acute cardiac presentations in the future.
If you book our online ECG Interpretation and Emergency Radiology courses together, you can save £50! Click the link below to find out more.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Course (London, UK) 9 June 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound is an extremely valuable tool for doctors working in emergency departments. By the end of this course, you will understand how normal ligaments, tendons, joints, bone, muscle, fascia layers and skin appear with ultrasound and how these appearances are affected by common injuries and infections.
Basic Ultrasound for Surgeons Course (London, UK) 20 June 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
The course is designed to provide surgeons with basic core knowledge and skills in ultrasound use. It will also cover relevant surgical topics, including:
Emergency Radiology Course (London, UK) 23 June 2025
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Cost: £150 online (inc. VAT)
If you are new to imaging in an emergency or acute setting, Bromley Emergency Courses offer a comprehensive one-day overview of the essential emergency radiology topics for the emergency department.
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to interpret X-rays using a systematic and structured approach and boost your confidence in managing a variety of bony injuries commonly seen following trauma.
If you book our online ECG Interpretation and Emergency Radiology courses together, you can save £50! Click the link below to find out more.
Core Ultrasound Course (London, UK) 24 June 2025
Venue: Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £370 (inc. VAT)
This PoCUS course addresses the knowledge and practical skills recommended by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine as necessary to achieve competency in the core clinical applications of Emergency Ultrasound. We also cover the components of ultrasound physics and good governance in our online pre-course learning.
MRCEM Intermediate SBA Revision Course (London, UK) 23 – 24 July 2025
Venue: Online and face-to-face at Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £395 online / £495 in person (inc. VAT)
Over this intensive two-day course, we will provide you with a series of mock exam papers. These questions will be discussed in detail during interactive review sessions, with comprehensive model answers provided for you to take away.
The course covers a wide range of the curriculum, potentially introducing you to areas you may not have been aware of and helping you understand some of the more difficult concepts through carefully constructed explanations.
MRCEM Intermediate SBA Revision Course (London, UK) 12 – 13 August 2025
Venue: Online and face-to-face at Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £395 online / £495 in person (inc. VAT)
Over this intensive two-day course, we will provide you with a series of mock exam papers. These questions will be discussed in detail during interactive review sessions, with comprehensive model answers provided for you to take away.
The course covers a wide range of the curriculum, potentially introducing you to areas you may not have been aware of and helping you understand some of the more difficult concepts through carefully constructed explanations.
FRCEM Final SBA Revision Course (London, UK) 20 – 21 August 2025
Venue: Online and face-to-face at Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £445 online / £545 in person (inc. VAT)
This two-day course covers the range of SLO topics listed in the RCEM 2021 curriculum. We will sample extensively across the curriculum, focusing on the factors that influence the choice of the best answer, from key guidelines to standard NHS practice. The course includes 270 questions, each accompanied by in-depth explanations to help you answer related questions in the future.
FRCEM Final SBA Revision Course (London, UK) 2 – 3 September 2025
Venue: Online and face-to-face at Terracotta Court (ground floor), 167 Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LN
Cost: £445 online / £545 in person (inc. VAT)
This two-day course covers the range of SLO topics listed in the RCEM 2021 curriculum. We will sample extensively across the curriculum, focusing on the factors that influence the choice of the best answer, from key guidelines to standard NHS practice. The course includes 270 questions, each accompanied by in-depth explanations to help you answer related questions in the future.