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MFFLM Part 1/DLM Revision Sessions (Virtual)

Wed 21 August 18:30 – 20:00 Regulation healthcare, sources of law, criminal law part 1
Tue 03 September 18:30 – 20:00 Criminal law part 2, civil law, philosophic medical ethics, consent, confidentiality

We will be holding some live virtual MFFLM Part 1 / DLM Revision Session for those taking or thinking of taking the MFFLM Part 1 / DLM Examination.

Please note that these sessions will not be recorded and therefore not available after the event. Professor Sarah Hull will facilitate these sessions.

Cost: Members £100/Non-members £120

How to book: Please click here to book


Forensic Aspects of Adult Safeguarding (Virtual)

Tues 10 September 13:30 – 17:00 – Examination and Documentation
Thursday 03 October 13:30 – 17:00 – Working in Partnership

This course is run virtually over two half days and will cover Examination and Documentation and Working in partnership. Prof Margaret Stark and Dr Elisabeth Alton will facilitate these sessions.

Cost: £100

How to book: Please click here to book


FFLM Forensic Aspects of Adult Safeguarding Forum – September 2024 (Virtual)

Wednesday 18 September 13:00 – 14:00

The group meets every quarter to discuss/review cases and share professional experiences in a relaxed environment. Chaired by Dr Elisabeth Alton, Named Doctor for Safeguarding Adults and Prof Margaret Stark, Consultant Forensic Physician. This forum is free for FFLM Members to attend.

Cost: £0.00

How to book: Please click here to book


FFLM Virtual SARC Best Practice Day 2024 (Virtual)

Saturday 21 September 09:30 – 16:05

We’re pleased to advise that our next Virtual SARC Best Practice Day will be taking place on Saturday 21 September 2024.

Cost: Member £72/Non-member £90

How to book: Please click here to book


FFLM Course in General Forensic Medicine – October 2024

Monday 14 – Friday 18 October 2024 09:00 – 16:30

The course is for newly appointed or prospective forensic physicians, nurses and paramedics and leads to the University Certificate in Postgraduate Professional Development (UCPPD) in General Forensic Medicine.

The course is delivered via a mix of face-to-face and remote learning. There will be two days of face-to-face teaching (on Monday and Tuesday) and the rest of the course will be delivered remotely. The face-to-face training will take place in London (venue TBC).

The course covers the following five modules:

– Module 1: Role of the Healthcare Professional (HCP) working in a multidisciplinary team; Personal safety and conflict resolution; Consent, confidentiality and ethics; Safeguarding.

– Module 2: Fitness to detain, transfer and record-keeping; Fitness to interview and charge; Administering medication; Assessment of mental health and fitness to release.

– Module 3: Traffic medicine – procedures under the Road Traffic Acts; Substance use disorders; forensic science and sampling.

– Module 4: Documentation, interpretation, and management of injuries; Management of alleged restraint injuries; HCP at the scene of death; Death in custody and the Independent Investigation of Deaths in Custody.

– Module 5: Statement writing; The Court system.

The course is assessed in two areas:

– Virtual Court Room Presentation undertaken during the taught element of the course on Friday 18 October 2024;

– Reflective case study (2000-word essay to be submitted four weeks after the course).

Please note that spaces are limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment. Those who attend the FFLM Course in General Forensic Medicine are eligible for a 10% discount on FFLM membership fees for the first year (if they choose to join).

Cost: £1,995.00

How to book: Please click here to book


FFLM Virtual Child Safeguarding Day 2024 (Virtual)

Saturday 9 November 2024 10:00 – 16:00

We’re pleased to advise that our next Virtual Child Safeguarding Day will be taking place on Saturday 09 November 2024. The day will focus on the complications of child sexual abuse.

Cost: Member £72/Non-member £90

How to book: Please click here to book


FFLM Forensic Aspects of Adult Safeguarding Forum – December 2024

Wednesday 11 December 13:00 – 14:00

The next meeting of the FFLM Forensic Aspects of Adult Safeguarding Forum will be on Wednesday 11 December 2024 at 13:00. The group meets every quarter to discuss/review cases and share professional experiences in a relaxed environment. Chaired by Dr Elisabeth Alton, Named Doctor for Safeguarding Adults and Prof Margaret Stark, Consultant Forensic Physician. This forum is free for FFLM Members to attend.

Cost: £0.00

How to book: Please click here to book


Conducted Energy Device (CED) HCP Assessment Training Course

Wednesday 15 January 2024 09:30 – 16:30

The aim of this course is to provide HCPs with specific additional knowledge relating to the CEDs available in the UK and the recommended clinical management of patients who have been exposed to a CED discharge.

Course Requirements

HCPs attending the course should have:

  • Previous successful completion of an initial accredited training course in General Forensic Medicine
  • Resuscitation Council (UK) certified Immediate Life Support Provider status (or equivalent)
  • Clinical skills – ability to examine the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and neurological systems

Cost: £150

How to book: Please click here to book

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