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Putting global health projects on the map

Friday 2 August 2024

An RCEM interactive global health map to connect projects is gathering pace with nearly 200 entries.

The map, led by the work of the RCEM Global Emergency Medicine (GEM) Committee, is improving the quality and sustainability of projects by sharing them with a global network of medical clinicians and inviting more to contribute.

Dr Anisa Jafar and Dr Claire Crichton-Iannone launched the project in 2021 with the RCEM GEM Committee and a team of colleagues at the University of Manchester.

RCEM Members are encouraged to support the map by contributing their own global health projects.

A supplement written in the April 2024 issue of the Emergency Medicine Journal ‘Now live: Global health map – connecting UK emergency care practitioners’ was written by Dr Crichton-Iannone, who is an ST6 in EM, and Dr Jafar, who is an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer and ST7 in EM.

Read more about the project in an article ‘Mapping global health activity amongst UK emergency care practitioners: time for a Europe-wide approach?’ published in the European Journal of Emergency Medicine in August 2023.

A new video (below) has also been released to explain the Global Health Map and how you can get involved:

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