The College has developed this important strategy to improve the working lives of clinicians working in Emergency Departments in the UK. The guidance documents are specifically aimed to help guide Clinical Directors of Emergency Medicine, clinicians, employers and commissioners of emergency healthcare.
We urge all working in Emergency Departments or responsible for emergency care systems to take the time to read the strategy. Then ensure that:
Our members’, and all healthcare professionals’, workplaces should be free from all forms of bullying and harassment. Our Sustainable Working Practice Committee along with other RCEM committees are developing work to tackle bullying in the workplace and in our view the working environment should allow healthcare professionals to work with dignity and respect, without the unacceptable threat of bullying and harassment. Bullying and harassment undermines physical and mental health and can lead to reduced performance and increased sickness absence.
Below are some useful resources from RCEM and other organisations that are there to support you.
Civility saves lives
National Guardian’s Office
Blogs & videos
Key messages
The ED Spa works on the principle of 5 elements of well-being:
More information on the principles of the ED Spa and how to create one in your own ED ware coming over the next few months. You can also follow or contact the ED Spa on twitter.
Great wellness organisations