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RCEM responds to uplift in Medical School places for 2025/26

13 May 2024

Responding to the announcement the Government is to fund 350 further medical school places for 2025/26, President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, Dr Adrian Boyle said:

“This latest news detailing the uplift of medical school places is welcome. Medicine remains one of the best, rewarding – and I hope – still attractive careers.

“But medical school places can only ever be part of the picture. They must also be accompanied by the educators needed to teach and mentor these students, and enough dedicated specialty training places for them to move on to when they have qualified.

“However, it is pointless investing in the next generation if the Government does not also look after the current workforce – morale is at rock bottom, stress levels are sky high, and attrition is a serious problem.

“Medicine is a vocation which starts the day you step through the doors of Med School and lasts a lifetime. Proper government support is nothing less than these dedicated professionals need and deserve.”

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