Royal College of Emergency Medicine Menu Menu
AAC Advisory Appointments Committee
ABTAFG Anti-Bullying Task and Finish Group
ACAF Applied Critical Appraisal Form
ACAT Acute Care Assessment Tool. A WPBA.
ACCS Acute Care Common Stem
The first two years of training (CT/ST1 to CT/ST2) composed of four six-month rotations in the four acute specialties of EM, Anaesthetics, Acute Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine. The ACCS curriculum is shared between the four specialties.
ACEM Australasian College of Emergency Medicine
ACEMT Advisory Committee on Emergency Medicine Training in Ireland
ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians
ACF Academic Clinical Fellow – An Academic Clinical Fellowship combines clinical training with academic training.
ACP Advanced Clinical Practitioner – Nurses or Paramedics who are collecting evidence with a view to credentialing.
ALS Advanced Life Support
AM Acute Medicine
AOMRC Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
AOST Approved overseas training
APEX Acute Psychiatric Emergency
API Application Programme Interface – Automated emails for log in details/connects iMIS with other programs to pass data between systems
APLS Advanced Paediatric Life Support
ARCP Annual Review of Competence Progression – A review of a trainee’s progress, normally at the end of the training year in June and July.
ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support
BAEM British Association for Emergency Medicine
BAME Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic
BASHH British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
BASIC British Association for Immediate Care
BHIVA British HIV Association
BMJ British Medical Journal
BP Best Practice
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
CBD Case Based Discussion. A WPBA.
CC Clinical Case
CCST Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training
CCT Certificate of Completion of Training – Granted by GMC after RCEM recommends a trainee for inclusion on the specialist register after successful completion of training.
CEF Clinical Effectiveness Fellowship
CEM College of Emergency Medicine
CESR Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration – A route to the specialist register for doctors who, although not in training posts, nevertheless feel they have acquired enough evidence (some of which may be on ePortfolio) to prove they have gained all the competences in the EM curriculum. Applications are sent to the GMC who forward to the College for evaluation.
CESR-CP CESR (Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration) Combined Programme – Trainees may enter training at a higher level than CT/ST1 if they provide evidence (some of which may be on ePortfolio) at recruitment and enrolment that they satisfy the entry criteria. Trainees on this route do not get a CCT but do end up on the specialist register on successful completion of training.
Cloud The cloud is a remote server that we can connect to and work on; it imitates what connection we would have inside the office, so all files and folders are fully accessible.
CME Continuing Medical Education
Core Training CT1 to CT3 – For trainees who do not choose RTT. They have to re- apply for HST.
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CQC Care Quality Commission
CSC Curriculum Sub Committee
CT1. CT2, CT3 Core Training, Core Trainee
CTR Clinical Topic Reviews
CURE Centre for Urgent and Emergency Care Research
Deanery Regional bodies responsible for delivering training – Nomenclature is now formally ‘HE regions’ within England but ‘Deanery’ is still commonly used.
DCC Direct Clinical Care
DD Direct Debit
DDI Direct Debit Instruction – Authority given by a person to use their bank details to pay for a service (e.g. College membership)
DDM Direct Debit Manager – Direct debit management software
DEF Digital Educational Fellow
DocuWare Digital document management
DoH/DH Department of Health
DOPS Directly Observed Procedure (or Direct Observation of Procedural Skills). A WPBA.
DRE-EM Defined Route of Entry to Emergency Medicine – A route for trainees to enter EM training at ST3 level. The ST3 ‘year’ on this pathway lasts between 18 to 24 months.
ECDS Emergency Care Data Set
ECFMG Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
ED Emergency Department
EDI Equality Diversity and Inclusion Committee
ELSE Extended Learning Supervised Event – A two to three hour period of recorded supervision. A form of WPBA.
EM Emergency Medicine
EMFP Emergency Medicine Foundation Programme
EMJ Emergency Medicine Journal
EMQIAT Emergency Medicine Quality Improvement Assessment Tool
EMTA Emergency Medicine Trainees Association
EMSR Emergency Medicine Specialist Registrar
EMWIG Emergency Medicine Workforce Implementation Group
EPA Entrustable Professional Activity: a competence outcome, Nomenclature associated with the new curriculum currently being developed.
EPIC Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials or Emergency Physician In Charge
EPRR Emergency Planning/Preparedness Resilience & Response
ERB Editorial Review Board
ESLE Extended  Supervised Learning Event
ES STR Educational Supervisor structured training report
EuSEM European Society for Emergency Medicine
EWTD European Working Time Directive
FACEM Fellowship of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine
FAEM Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FASSGEM Forum for Associate Specialist and Staff Grades in Emergency Medicine
FCEM Fellowship of the College of Emergency Medicine
FEGM Faculty Educational Governance Meeting
FEGS Faculty Educational Governance Statement
FEN Faculty of Emergency Nursing
FFAEM Fellowship of the Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine
FOAMed Free Open Access Medical Education
Formative An assessment which is primarily focused on highlighting a trainee’s development requirements. Cf ‘Summative’
FRCEM Fellowship of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (end of training Examination)
FTSTA Fixed term specialty training appointment
FIFEM Fellow of the International Federation for Emergency Medicine
GCP Good Clinical Practice
GIRFT (NHS Improvement programme) Getting It Right First Time
GMC General Medical Council – The regulatory body who approve curricula and training programmes and keep the medical and specialist registers.
GMC COG GMC’s Curriculum Oversight Group
GPC Generic Professional Capabilities
Head of School A joint RCEM and deanery appointed regional lead for a specialty. EM Heads of Schools sit on the TSC.
HEE Health Education England
HEIW Health Education and Improvement Wales
HEMS Helicopter Emergency Medicine Services (Air Ambulance)
HSIB Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch
HSJ Health Service Journal
HSRUK Health Services Research UK
HST Higher Specialist Training. From ST4 to ST6.
IAC Initial Assessment of Competence – A certificate confirming acquisition of Anaesthetics competence at ACCS level.
ICACCST Intercollegiate Committee for ACCS Training
IBTPHEM Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine
ICM Intensive Care Medicine
ICU Intensive Care Unit
IFEM International Federation for Emergency Medicine
IMC Irish Medical Council
iMIS The main RCEM CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system
IBTPHEM Intercollegiate Board for Training in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine
JCHST Joint Committee on Higher Surgical Training
JRCALC Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee
KC Key Capability
LAT Locum Appointed for Training – A trainee in a short approved period of training normally 6 or 12 months long.
LETBs HEE’s Local Education and Training Boards
LS Learning Session
LTFT Less than full time training
MAST MAST are our support team for iMIS, Keith Robertson is our main account manager
MATB1 Form that is evidence of a pregnancy
MCEM Membership of the College of Emergency Medicine
MCR Multiple Consultant Report
MCQ Multiple Choice Questions
MD Doctor of Medicine
MEG Member Engagement Group
MFAEM Membership of the Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine
Mini-CEX Mini Clinical Examination. A WPBA.
MMC NHS Modernising Medical Careers
MRCEM Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (Mid- training Examination required for entry to ST4).
MRCP Member of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCS Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
MSF Multi-source Feedback – A 360º collation of feedback from work colleagues.
MSO Multi Station Oral
MTI Medical Training Initiative – Overseas trainees training in the UK for periods between 6 to 24 months. Many Colleges run this scheme. Cf WLR.
NatSSIPs National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures
NCAA National Clinical Assessment Authority
NCCG doctors Non-consultant career grade doctors (Associate Specialist, Staff Grade, Clinical Assistant)
NCEPOD National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death
NES NHS Education for Scotland
Net2 Access Control Software to access door control, create new users and fobs
NHES NHS ePortfolio
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NIHR National Institute for Health Research
NIMDTA Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency
Nomenclature The devising or choosing of names for things/the body or system of names used in a particular specialist field.
NTN National Training Number. Generated by deaneries/HE regions for RTT and HST trainees.
NTS Non-Technical Skills
NRLS National Reporting and Learning System
OOP Out of Programme – Trainees can choose to interrupt their training and go Out Of Programme for Experience (OOPE), Research (OOPR), Career break (OOPC) or Training (OOPT). Periods of the latter count towards training.
OOPE Out of Programme Experience (also OOP Training, OOP Research)
OSCE Objective Structured Clinical Examination
PA Physician Associate
PDD Paperless Direct Debit
PDP Personal Development Plan
PEM Paediatric Emergency Medicine – All trainees do PEM in their ST3 year. Some choose to do an additional year for sub-specialty accreditation.
PEMPAG Paediatric Emergency Medicine Professional Advisory Group
PHEM Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine EM administered outside the ED eg at the roadside following traffic accidents; at the bottom of cliffs. A sub-specialty of EM.
PICU Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
PLAB Professional and Linguistics Assessments Board
PMETB Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
PRHO Pre-registration House Officer
PRSB Professional Record Standards Body
PS Patient Survey
PTX Old direct debit software replaced in 2021 by Direct Debit Manager (DDM)
QA&I Quality Assurance & Improvement
QECC Quality in Emergency Care Committee
QIP Quality Improvement Program
RCoA Royal College of Anaesthetists
RCAL Regional College Academic Lead
RCEM Royal College of Emergency Medicine
#RCEM CARES Crowding, Access, Retention, Experience, Safety
RCP Royal College of Physicians
RCPEd Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
RCPSGlas Royal College of Surgeons & Physicians of Glasgow
RCS Royal College of Surgeons (of England)
RCSEd Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Ref Reference session
RHP Registered Healthcare Practitioner
RiSE A website platform that lives within iMIS
RITA Record of In-Training Assessment
RO Responsible Officer
ROT Recognition of Training
ROSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
RSM Royal Society of Medicine
RTT Run-Through Training – Trainees who progress straight through from Core to HST (providing they receive satisfactory outcomes at ARCPs).
SAQ Short answer question (examination paper)
SAS Specialty and Association Specialist
SASG Staff Grade and Associate Specialist/Grade
SBA Single Best Answer
SBAQ Single best answer question
SD Service Delivery
SDCC Service Design & Configuration Committee
SHO Senior House Officer – An old grade of junior doctor. Term no longer in use.
SIG Special Interest Group (e.g. Frailty, Toxicology etc)
SJP Situational judgement paper
SLO Speciality Learning Outcomes
SLWG Short Life Working Group
SNOMED CT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms
SPA Supporting Professional Activity
SpR Specialist Registrar
SQUIRE Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence
STAR Structured Training And Reflection programs
STC Specialist Training Committee
STAT Structured Teaching Assessment Tool
StR Specialty Registrar – EM trainee training to the approved curriculum towards College recommendation for inclusion on the GMC’s specialist register and eligibility to apply for substantive consultant posts.
STR Structured Training Report – Completed by an Educational Supervisor at least once a year.
ST1-6 Specialty Trainee year 1 – 6
Summative An assessment which assesses whether a trainee has achieved a pre-determined standard. Cf ‘Formative’
SWPC Sustainable Working Practices Committee
TAF Training Admin Fee
TeamViewer Application to allow IT department to remote access
TERN Trainee Emergency Research Network
TLA Three-letter acronym
TO Teaching Observation
TPD Training Programme Director. Consultant responsible for a training programme in a deanery.
TSC Training Standards Committee – College committee responsible for standards of training in EM and making decisions on related questions.
UAT User Acceptance Testing (new curriculum access)
Vohkus Our support for general IT issues, Anna Ley is our account manager
WLR Work, Learn, Return – A small number of overseas doctors were recruited to EM (non-training) posts in the UK with a view to contributing to mid-grade service support and receiving in return experience of UK practices and support from RCEM towards taking the College’s examinations. Doctors on this (RCEM only) scheme are expected to return to their home country after a period of 4 years. Recruitment to this scheme has now ceased. Cf MTI
WpBA/WPBA Workplace based assessment – An assessment conducted in the workplace by an appropriately qualified assessor.
Zoom Zoom is our video conferencing platform
Zoom Phone Zoom phone is our telephone provider, Zoom phone is part of the main Zoom platform

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