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Ultrasound guided nerve blocks in the ED

Ultrasound guided nerve blocks in the ED

Thursday 19 June | Face to face event | RCEM accredited for 6-CPD points

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+ Venue

RCEM Octavia House, 54 Ayres Street, London SE1 1EU

+ Event summary

The one-day ultrasound guided nerve blocks course for the emergency department is delivered by experienced anaesthetists, EM consultants and senior registrars who are highly skilled in using regional blocks, our ultrasounded guided nerve blocks in the ED course covers the following topics:

  • Basics of sonography and anatomy: Equipment and recognition of surface anatomy
  • Using ultrasound to guide needle insertion in and out of plane and hydrodissection
  • Upper limb blocks: Suprascapular nerve block
  • Torso blocks: Serratus anterior plane block and erector spinae plane block
  • Lower limb blocks: Fascia iliaca and femoral nerve blocks
  • Local anaesthetic agents and toxicity, stop before you block and documentation

Learning objectives:

  • Recognition of surface anatomy by practising in live models
  • Improvement of the USS skills when performing nerve blocks
  • Improvement of USS guided needle technique by practising with anatomical models and blue-phantom models
  • Development of extensive knowledge of the relevant USS-guided nerve blocks to improve patient care in the ED.

SLOs covered: 

6 and 9

GMC domains:

1, 2, 3, 4

Please note, registration for this event will close on Thursday 12 June, but may close earlier if capacity is reached.

+ Who should attend?
  • Clinical/Research/Teaching Fellow
  • Consultant
  • Specialty doctor/SAS Grade
  • ST1-3
  • ST4-7
+ Programme + Fees
Please click here to view the registration rates as a PDF.

Non-member all grades except student / retired £540
Non-member student / retired £375
Member all grades except student / retired £340
Member student / retired £175
+ Contact us

If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch with us by emailing or calling 020 3931 0700.

+ Terms and conditions

Please read our terms and conditions in their entirety before making your booking.

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