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Abstract submissions

Abstracts form a key part of the Annual Scientific Conference, with top submissions being invited to present either an oral presentation or a poster. This year’s conference will be a hybrid event. All oral presentations and posters will be presented on site at The Glasshouse in Gateshead.

The deadline for submissions at this year’s conference has now passed and we are not accepting late submissions. If you submitted an abstract, the author who submitted the abstract will be notified of whether their submission has been successful or not from Friday 12 July.


Submission information and FAQs

Please find below some useful information to support your abstract submission. 

+ Why to submit

Abstracts are an integral part of the Annual Scientific Conference and allow you to disseminate and showcase your work to a large national (and international) audience. Presenting your work can help to inform education and clinical practice, as well as providing personal development opportunities such as improving your presentation skills and enhancing your CV.

The top scoring abstracts will be offered an oral presentation during the conference and will be published in the EMJ.

With over 300 submissions last year, we expect a large number of presenters to attend the conference, allowing you to meet and network with a range of clinicians and academics from the UK and beyond. You will be able to share and discuss your findings with experts and connect with those with similar interests. Abstract presenters will also receive a discounted rate to register for the conference. This year we are also delighted to announce a new prize for the top RCEM poster submission, more details of this will be announced closer to the conference.

+ How to submit

The deadline for submissions has now passed. We will not be able to accept late submissions for any reason.

Please complete all sections of the form. All correspondence about the submission will be sent to the main author. Co-authors will only be contacted post event with their certificate if your submission is successful.

The author who submitted the abstract will be notified of whether their submission has been successful or not from Friday 12 July.

+ Topics

Abstracts can be submitted on a range of sub topics:

  • Acute medicine
  • Airway management and procedural sedation
  • Cardiovascular
  • COVID-19
  • Education
  • Emergency medicine – general
  • Global health
  • Health services (e.g. design and delivery)
  • Infection and sepsis
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Mental health
  • Paediatric emergency medicine
  • Pain management
  • Pre-hospital care
  • Quality improvement and patient safety
  • Resuscitation
  • Toxicology
  • Trauma and musculoskeletal

Please only submit your abstract once and do not submit the same abstract multiple times under different topics.

The topic you select will not affect scoring and does not hinder you from being considered for other areas.

Paediatric submissions
If your abstract is paediatric based, please submit it under paediatric emergency medicine regardless of whether it also fits under another sub topic.

Case reports
This year we are accepting the submission of case reports for the Annual Scientific Conference. If you wish to submit a case report, please submit it under case reports regardless of whether it also fits under another sub topic.

We would especially like to hear about:

  • Cases with a clear clinical teaching point relevant to a broad range of clinicians
  • Cases that have led to changes in local, national or international clinical practice
  • Typical presentations of common conditions that have been managed very well and have a great teaching point
  • Unusual presentations of common conditions with a great teaching point

Case report submissions are not eligible for oral presentation at the conference, but the top scoring submissions will be eligible for poster display, and the best case report will also be eligible for free publication (subject to peer review), in Wiley’s prestigious Clinical Case Reports journal.

Successful case report submitters will still be eligible for the discounted rate.

+ Submission content

You have 300 words in total to complete the following sections about your work:

 Aims, objectives and background

  • The purpose of your study
  • Why the topic is important
  • What is new about your study

 Method and design

  • Describe the approach you have taken
  • Explain the methods used or proposed

 Results and conclusions

  • State significant findings

The abstract title is not included within the 300 word limit. You may also submit one table OR one figure to support your submission. You will be able to upload this as part of the submission form.

If you submit more than one additional upload (e.g. one table AND one figure) only the first one will be considered, any subsequent uploads will not be reviewed.

If you submit an additional upload which is neither a table nor a figure, this will not be considered.

+ Submission criteria

We are happy to accept published or unpublished work, providing that it has not been presented at another UK national specialty conference.

On submission of the abstract, the main author must ensure that they have the approval and a copyright assignment from any other authors and contributors involved in the work.

QIPs are eligible for submission.

Case reports are only eligible for poster display.

By submitting an abstract the main author is responsible for ensuring that the above criteria are met.

+ Marking criteria

All submissions will be marked anonymously by two reviewers. Each reviewer will score each of the following criteria out of 10:

  • Aims
  • Methodology
  • Conclusion supported by results presented
  • Quality of writing

Once marking is complete, the average score of the two reviewers will be taken and submissions will be ranked from the highest to lowest scoring. The type of presentation offered is dependent on where the submission falls in the overall ranking.

+ Types of presentation

The top scoring submissions will be invited to give an oral presentation or display their work as a poster. The categories of presentation are as follows:


  • Rod Little Award Presentations (open to RCEM member trainees only) – 10 minutes
  • RCEM Free Papers (top scoring submissions not submitted by a member trainee) – 10 minutes
  • RCEM Lightning Presentations – 5 minutes
  • RCEM Moderated Presentations – 3 minutes
  • RCEM Posters – displayed in the exhibition hall for the duration of the conference. Poster presenters will not be offered a specific time to present.


  • APEM Elizabeth Molyneux Prize – 12 minutes
  • APEM Lightning Presentations (trainees only) – 12 minutes
  • APEM Posters –

APEM oral presentations will be held during the APEM pre-conference workshop on Monday 7 October.

APEM posters will be displayed during the APEM pre-conference workshop and in the exhibition hall for the duration of the conference. If you wish your poster to be considered for the APEM poster prize, you must register for and attend the APEM pre-conference workshop. Poster presenters will not be offered a specific time to present.

All those awarded an oral presentation will also have their abstract published in the EMJ.

The top RCEM poster will be eligible for a prize.

+ Next steps

The deadline for submissions at this year’s conference has now passed. We will not be accepting late submissions.

Once you have submitted it you will receive an email confirmation direct from our submission system. If you do not receive this within 15 minutes of submission, please check your junk/spam mail and mark the sender as safe as all future correspondence about your submission will come from this address. If you are unsure about whether your abstract has been successfully submitted, please email

You are able to make amendments to your abstract until the submission deadline stated above. You will receive a personal amendment link as part of your submission confirmation allowing you to do this.

Abstracts will be reviewed throughout June/July 2024. The author who submitted the work will be notified whether their submission has been successful or not from Friday 12 July. This email will include information about how to present your work.

+ FAQs

Can I submit more than one abstract?
Yes, you may submit as many abstracts as you like, however please discuss submission with any co-authors to avoid repeat submission of the same abstract.

Can I mark a submission to be considered for oral presentation or poster only?
No, all submissions are marked together as a group. The top scoring abstracts will be awarded an oral presentation, with the next group offered a poster. Please note, case reports are only eligible for poster display.

How do you decide who is awarded an oral presentation or poster?
All submissions will be marked anonymously by two judges. The average score of the two marks is then taken, and submissions ranked from the highest to lowest score. The top scoring abstracts will be awarded an oral presentation with further submissions invited to display a poster dependent on quality. Please note, case reports are only eligible for poster display.

Can I submit an abstract by post or email? No all abstracts must be submitted via our online system.

Do you have to be a certain grade to submit an abstract?
No, we welcome submissions from anyone regardless of what stage they’re at in their career. Some presentation categories, such as the Rod Little Prize Papers, however, are only open to RCEM member trainees.

Do you have to be a member of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine to submit an abstract?
No, anyone can submit an abstract regardless of whether they’re a College Member. Some presentation categories, such as the Rod Little Prize Papers, however, are only open to College Members.

Can I make changes to my abstract if it is successful?
No, once the submission window has closed and abstracts have been marked we are unable to accept any changes to your abstract.

Can I add additional authors?
You can add co-authors at the time of submission, or as an amendment at any time before the submission window closes on 12:00 (midday) BST on Friday 14 June 2024 by using the personal amendment link which will be included in your submission confirmation email.

Can I withdraw a submission?
Yes, you can withdraw your abstract at any time before the submission window closes at 12:00 (midday) BST on Friday 14 June 2024. To do this, please follow the personal amendment link in your submission confirmation email and then click ‘remove’ next to the abstract you wish to withdraw.

If you wish to withdraw your submission once marking has taken place, please respond to your notification email to let us know you no longer wish to present your work.

If my abstract is accepted, do I have to pay to attend the conference?
Yes, if your abstract is accepted and you wish to present you work, you will have to register and pay to attend the conference. However, reduced rates are available for abstract presenters.

Will I receive individual feedback on my abstract?
Unfortunately we receive too many abstracts to provide individual feedback for each submission.

If I’m invited to display a poster, will I have a specific time to present it?
Posters will be displayed in the exhibition hall at The Glasshouse in Gateshead for the duration of the conference, however you will not be given a specific time to present. We would encourage you to stand near to your poster during break times in case of delegate questions about your work.

I’ve been offered an oral presentation, will my abstract be automatically included in the EMJ?
All abstracts offered an oral presentation will automatically be submitted to the EMJ for publication. If you do not want your abstract to be put forward for publication, you will have the opportunity to opt out during the submission process.

I am unsure whether I can attend the conference, do I need to be registered to present?
At least one of the authors of the abstract needs to be registered and attend the conference in order to present your oral presentation or display your poster, however it does not need to be the main author. If it is not the main author attending, please ensure you inform the RCEM events team by responding to your notification email.

I have been offered a paediatric poster, do I need to attend the APEM pre-conference workshop and the main ASC?
If you wish for your poster to be considered for the APEM poster prize, you need to register for and attend the APEM pre-conference workshop at The Glasshouse in Gateshead on Monday 7 October.

If you attend the pre-conference workshop, your poster will automatically be moved into the main conference exhibition hall and displayed for the remainder of the main conference.

If you do not wish for your poster to be considered for the APEM poster prize, you must either register and attend the APEM pre-conference workshop OR at least one of the days of the main conference.

I cannot attend the full conference, can I still present my work?
As long as one of the authors is registered for at least one day of the conference then work will be able to be presented. Please note that for oral presentations you will need to be registered for the day which your presentation is scheduled to take place.

Can my colleague present my work instead if I am successful?
For oral presentations, only the main or co-authors can present the work. For posters, if you are unable to attend you can nominate any colleague to bring and hang the poster on your behalf.

My work is currently unpublished, but I’m planning to publish it before the conference takes place, can I still present?
Yes, we’re able to accept published or unpublished work, however it cannot have been presented at another UK national specialty conference.

Will I receive a certificate for presenting my work?
Yes, certificates will be sent by email to all authors, including co-authors, listed on the submission form within 10 working days of the end of the conference.

Do I need to provide written informed patient consent?
When you agree to present at the Annual Scientific Conference 2024,  you will need  to confirm that you have obtained written informed patient consent for your submission at the time of registration. Consent forms do not need to be sent to us, but please retain a copy in case of any queries. An example form can be downloaded here.

Do you offer any abstract submission prizes?
The top poster submission will be eligible for a prize. The top 20 scoring submissions will be considered for the prize, with reviewers scoring these 20 posters on site before making a final decision.

Where can I go if I have further questions?
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further please email the RCEM events team on or call 020 3931 0700.

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