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ACP Training Days

ACP Training Days

Event information for ACP Training Days

ACP Supervisor Training

All Educational Supervisors of ACPs working towards credential must complete RCEM ACP Supervisor training. Details of this training are provided below. Please ensure that you complete the training appropriate for the curriculum your ACP supervisee is credentialing against (2017 or 2022).

2017 ACP curriculum

All ACPs credentialing on the 2017 curriculum (adults, children or dual) are required to have an RCEM-trained Educational Supervisor who is eligible to complete the final sign-off of the portfolio prior to submission. It is recommended that ACPs have an RCEM-trained Educational Supervisor throughout the credentialing journey but must have an RCEM-trained ES for the final year of training as a minimum.

The final opportunity for ACPs to credential on the 2017 ACP curriculum is the Autumn 2024 credentialing window. Therefore, as it is expected that all Educational Supervisors will have completed RCEM ACP Supervisor training (2017 curriculum) prior to Autumn 2023, we will not be hosting any further live training sessions.

For Educational Supervisors who completed the training more than 2 years ago, and for those who would like a refresher, we have created an online learning session on the RCEMLearning platform. The module consists of 7 short videos which were recorded during a live virtual training session. Please note: to access the RCEM ACP Supervisor Training (2017 curriculum) module, you will firstly need to login to your RCEMLearning account.

2022 ACP curriculum

All Educational Supervisors of ACPs credentialing on the 2022 ACP curriculum are required to complete RCEM ACP Supervisor training within 12 months of an ACP commencing, or transitioning to, the new curriculum. Supervisors who have previously completed the training for the 2017 curriculum are also required to complete the training for the 2022 curriculum as there are significant differences between the 2017 and 2022 curricula.

RCEM ACP Supervisor training (2022 curriculum) is available as an e-learning module on the RCEMLearning platform. It consists of seven short videos (modules) which were recorded during a ‘live’ training session, followed by a series of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to embed the learning.

To access the online training on the RCEMLearning platform, please complete the registration form (link below) and email it to Registrants will be able to access the learning session from approximately midday the Monday following submission, providing the application is received by 09:00 the previous Friday.

Supervisor Training registration form (Word doc) | Supervisor Training registration form (PDF)

Providing the supervisor meets all eligibility criteria to fulfil the role of ACP Educational Supervisor (as defined in the credentialing regulations), the role of ACP Educational Supervisor will be assigned to the supervisor’s ePortfolio account within 10 working days of successful completion of training. Once the ACP ES role has been assigned, ACP supervisees must also add their supervisor to their own portfolio as their ACP Educational Supervisor (this is different to the RCEM Educational Supervisor role); this will allow the ACP ES to access and complete the Foundation Skills Sign-off form, ESR, FEGS, and the final sign-off of the portfolio prior to submission.

Please note: RCEM will no longer be hosting live ACP Supervisor training sessions. These will be replaced by bi-monthly live Q&A sessions facilitated by members of the ACP Credentialing Panel, which will provide an opportunity for supervisors who have already completed the RCEMLearning module to ask any questions they may have. This will enable supervisors to complete the training at a time convenient for them and attend a Q&A session (or sessions) as and when they have specific queries.

Dates of Q&A sessions will be published on this page shortly. Supervisors attending a Q&A must have already completed the 2022 curriculum RCEMLearning module.

If you have any questions regarding RCEM ACP Supervisor training, please email

ACP Educational Supervisor training Q&A sessions Bookings
Event Date and Time Registration
Friday 19 July 2024, 14:00 – 15:00, Zoom Please follow this link to book your place
Friday 27 September 2024, 14:00 – 15:00, Zoom Please follow this link to book your place
Monday 25 November 2024, 10:00 – 11:00, Zoom Please follow this link to book your place

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