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Retaining ED staff: policy, practice and research perspectives

Retaining ED staff: policy, practice and research perspectives

Friday 2 May | Virtual event | RCEM accredited for 5-CPD points

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+ Event summary

Retaining staff in EDs is vital for quality and safety and a is a key priority for research, policy, and practice development. There are pockets of good practice is each of these domains but much of the work is conducted in silos. This study day will present cutting-edge work in each domain and facilitate cross-pollination of ideas. It will give participants to opportunity to learn who is doing what in this crucial area to facilitate collaboration and take back to their department. It will also be useful for those who wish to start improving retention through policy, practice, or research.

Learning objectives:

  • To evaluate contemporary research into staff retention in emergency care
  • To analyse policy that impacts staff retention
  • To apply practical approaches to improving staff retention in their own context
  • To create a community of practice around staff retention in EDs

SLOs covered: 8, 9 , 10, 11, 12

GMC domains covered: 1 and 2

Please note, registration for this event will close on Friday 2 May at 08:00 AM.

+ Who should attend?

This event is of interest to all working in EDs but particularly those with an interest in improving retention locally, developing policy around retention, or conducting research on the topic.

+ Abstract submissions

We welcome abstracts for oral presentations on any work related to staff retention or sustainable working in emergency departments. We are particularly interested in completed projects (of any scale) that could be replicated elsewhere. Policy work, service improvement, quality improvement as well as research are all welcome.

Abstracts are maximum 300 words. Three abstracts will be selected for presentations on the day in the form of a 10 minute pre-recorded presentation followed by 5-minutes for questions. Other high scoring abstract authors may be invited to prepare a 10-minute pre-recorded presentation for upload to the digital content platform for participants to review at their convenience.

Please click here to submit an abstract.

The deadline for submission is 23:59 on Wednesday 12 March.  

+ Programme + Fees

Please click here to view the registration rates as a PDF.

Non-member all grades except student / retired £235
Non-member student / retired £210
Member all grades except student / retired £115
Member student / retired £90


+ Contact us

If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch with us by emailing or calling 020 3931 0700.

+ Terms and conditions

Please read our terms and conditions in their entirety before making your booking.

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