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Committee Members

+ Dr Kirsty Challen – Chair of The Gender Equity Committee

Dr Kirsty Challen

Dr Kirsty Challen – Chair of The Gender Equity Committee

Kirsty Challen is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and Major Trauma Clinical Lead at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals. She refused to take the direct route through training and acquired a History of Medicine BSc, a PhD in Health Services Research, an anaesthetist husband and four children (now age 30 to 9) along the way. She regards her inner toddler as a great asset and is rarely reticent about asking “but WHY?” even to institutions that aren’t used to being asked that. When not at work she is happiest out running on a muddy mountain, skiing on a snowy one, or making music.

+ Dr Robyn Powell, EM consultant, Glan Clwyd Hospital

Dr Robyn Powell

Dr Robyn Powell, EM consultant, Glan Clwyd Hospital

Dr Robyn Powell is an EM consultant at Glan Clwyd Hospital in North Wales and her interests centre around a core principle of valuing people with emphasis on marginalised groups. Her international and national presentation in this area highlight her unique and innovative style. As a member of WEMSIG, Robyn is using her relentless ideas, strategic planning and experience and unbridled passion to change the world for the better in context of EM.

+ Dr Sa Narang, EM Consultant, University Hospitals Birmingham

Dr Sa Narang

Dr Sa Narang, EM Consultant, University Hospitals Birmingham

Sa Narang is an EM Consultant and PEM lead for University Hospitals Birmingham. As well as her interests in Paediatrics and Trauma, Sa is passionate and committed to equity of opportunity for all to ensure women can reach success in clinical, research, education and leadership.



+ Dr Shama Khan, EM Consultant, The Royal Oldham Hospital

Dr Shama Khan

Dr Shama Khan, EM Consultant, The Royal Oldham Hospital

Shama Khan is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at the royal Oldham Hospital and has a special interest in cultivating an equitable community where protected characteristics become celebrated. This is reflected in her work with the Women in EM special interest group; humanitarian responses with MSF and UK Med, and working with survivors of sexual assault and/ or torture.


+ Dr Hannah McKee

Dr Hannah McKee

Dr Hannah McKee SAS Doctor in Emergency Medicine at UHNM. I am also SAS Tutor as well as Mental Health and Well-being Lead in ED.
I have always been passionate about advocating for equal opportunities across all intersections of gender, race, neurodiversity, disability etc.
When the advert came out for WEMSIG and a number of colleagues approached me and suggested I apply. I was over the moon to be appointed as one of the founding members and the SAS voice on the committee.
My work with WEMSIG is to ensure all aspects of gender equality are addressed, and continue to advocate for the SAS and other non-training Doctors in EM. I have also found a great group of women with a common objective who I have the upmost respect for and even when my tenure with WEMSIG is over, I believe I have made some friends for life.

+ Dr Rita Das

Dr Rita Das

Rita Das is an Emergency Physician in Ayrshire and Trauma Team Leader at St Mary’s MTC in London.
She has a longstanding dedication to challenging inequalities, promoting diversity and empowering marginalised communities. Her academic work includes research on homophobia in medical education, barriers to healthcare for lesbian women, and developing culturally appropriate health material for Bangladeshi parents. Her voluntary work includes LGBTI helpline counselling, Zero Tolerance of Domestic Violence, medical work with ostracized sex-workers in Kolkata, and medical expert work with victims of torture.
She is a solo parent and swims in the sea whenever she can.
She is an RCEM EDI committee member and a co-opted WEMSIG member to support an intersectional approach across both committees.

+ Dr Laura Cottey

Dr Laura Cottey

EM Doctoral Research Fellow Academic Department of Military Emergency Medicine and University of Manchester.
Dr Laura Cottey is an EM Doctoral Research fellow for the academic department of military Emergency Medicine. Laura is currently investigating models of trauma and optimization of mitochondrial function in traumatic injury and haemorrhagic shock. She was previously the chief investigator for the TIRED study, the Inaugural Trainee Emergency Medicine Research Network project looking at fatigue in Emergency Departments.

+ Dr Priyadarshini Marathe, EM Consultant, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Priyadarshini Marathe, EM Consultant, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Doctor Priyadarshini Marathe is a strong advocate for gender diversity. Over the last decade she has spoken at conferences, published work, organised educational events and created a certification workshop to create awareness and move the needle on gender equity and equality in EM. She serves as Vice-chair of IFEM’s Gender Specific Issues SIG and committee member on India’s GEESIG and RCEM’s WEMSIG.

+ Dr Chelcie Jewitt

Dr Chelcie Jewitt

Biography to follow

+ Sarah Hickin

Sarah Hickin

Biography to follow

+ Rita Das

Rita Das

Biography to follow

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